
The heavier one of the lot. I say, I deliver, peeps.


does it mean that the judge is mental?


Yes, it does.

This is about the people in my life 

People who i love 

That have flaws 

Or let’s say 

Things that don’t sit well with me 

Which don’t define that person 

Definitely not 

But sometimes, just sometimes 

Those flaws come into focus 

And the person zooms out 

Fades to black in my eyes 

As the things that I mind 

Become glaringly obvious 

And just for that one moment 

I judge

I judge that person for that one quality 

And not what he truly is 

And in that moment 

I fail. I fail. I fail. 

I fail as a friend.

I fail as a human. 

Does it make me a bad person? 

Does it?

Yes. Yes, the judge is mental.

~ r.a.w

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riya wagle

Poetry, Books, Music, Abstract Art and ✨Over-thinking✨