One Reason To. — a random thought

"When you have a million reasons not to;
find one reason to."

I don't know why but this quote—if it even is one—has been going around in my mind for quite a few days.

I find it very intriguing that for some things, we are willing to go above and beyond to do them, while for others, we just need one, single out.

And why is it?
Why is it, that we have to utterly push ourselves to do some things, while others come naturally?
Why is it, that even after loving doing a particular thing, sometimes, we're just not able to?

Has this thought ever occurred to you too?

This one time, I was talking to this friend of mine who's absolutely not into reading. And, because I had nothing better to do than to rant out to him about the novels I've read, I did just that. Eventually, he got so bored of just listening to me rhapsodize without having anything to say himself, he promised me he'd read whatever best book I chose for him. So I chose this book called All Your Perfects (if you haven't read it, you totally should) and he took a whole of four months, more or less, to finish a book that was a one-sitting read for me. I couldn't, for the life of me, figure out why. (Yes, he was a first-time reader, and yes, I had pushed him into it (maybe?) but this was one of those books that just pulled you right in till you got lost and had no way out but to complete it.)

For me, personally, I can't see a time where I've stopped reading. And this isn't even genre-specific. I have to read; whatever it is. But there are times when it has taken me monthsssss to get through one tiny, thin book, even though reading is something I thoroughly and truly enjoy.

And thus, when I looked at both these situations in perspective, I realized they're not much different. They both, after all, did boil down to the same thing: Sometimes you truly want to, and other times, you simply don't. And thereafter, it's a downward spiral where we give ourselves excuses, reasons, explanations, justifications, only to make it sound valid to our own conscience, but it never does. Because deep down, we know why we didn't.

Which is why, for me, finally finishing a book that I was having a hard time getting through, getting inspired and actually producing something when I'm facing a creative block, doing my riyaaz when I really don't feel like it, is like achieving a feat. It gives me way more gratifying and rewarding, than doing those exact same things routinely.

when you have a million reasons not to;
find one reason to.

~ r.a.w

P.S: My exams are going on, and I really should be studying. In this case, though, I have a zillion reasons to, but I just need one reason not to. ;D

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riya wagle

Poetry, Books, Music, Abstract Art and ✨Over-thinking✨